Monday, September 17, 2012

Sept 18-Thoughts on an Article

For this assignment, we were supposed to list (in bullet form) some of the most important developments that we saw from this article:

Here are some of the ones that I observed:
·        The author makes it clear that form follows function. A pretty object does nothing if it is not functional.

·        Along those same lines, the function needs to be clear and obvious. If a user cannot determine how to use the object, it is considered non-functional.

·        To make sure that the object is functional, you need to test it and make sure that its function is fairly intuitive and user friendly.

·        If there is something about your object that is not intuitive or obvious to the user, you need to make sure to provide clear concise documentation on how to use the object.

·        If you’re going to provide documentation, it needs to be understandable and easily accessible so that the user can actually find and comprehend the information being communicated.

·        If there are pieces of the object that the user will often have to manipulate like buttons or switches, put them in an easily accessible location where it is convenient for the user to reach them.

·        Functions that are not necessary and not particularly useful in ordinary situations are often better left out, simply because they complicate the device and make it harder for the user to interpret operational procedures.

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