Monday, September 10, 2012

Sept 10-Find My Fido

This is Find My Fido.  It works through the utilization of magic fairy dust. I use it to find cute dogs in my area. I love it when it helps to save the life of a pound puppy. I hate it when it isn’t used because people don’t know about it.
The first function of this device is to analyze any dog that you point the device at. The device analyzes the angles of the head, body, legs, and tail as well as the size and shape to determine what type of dog it is. It’s incredibly easy to operate. You simply point the device at the animal and push the “Ancestor” button and it searches through billions of entries in a database to determine what breeds are in the dog’s pedigree. This device would be incredibly handy for animal lovers and shelter workers across the globe. Aside from being able to walk down the street and find out what kind of mutt your neighbor has, shelter volunteers would be able to more adequately identify the dogs that are in their shelters. By accurately knowing the breed of the dog, it is easier to find specific rescue organizations, foster homes, or adopters to take in the homeless animal.
Find My Fido correctly identified this dog as a Cardigan Welsh Corgi!
The second function of the device has to do with finding these homeless animals a family. Twenty years ago, the only options for finding a new friend was to get one from the local shelter, find a breeder in your area, or to pick up a stray off the side of the road. In this day and age, there are many websites that facilitate the adoption of animals that are in shelters all across the nation. This device would allow for easier and more widespread placements. On the bottom half of the device are several input buttons. There is a button for each “portion” of the animal. There are buttons for tail type, ear type, color, coat length, height, weight, leg length, shape of head, bark pitch and volume, and every other possible feature of a dog that you can think of. Shelters are then able to quickly scan the dogs in their cages using the first function of the device and then the device will upload the dog information to the database, categorizing the animals by their features. That way when a family is looking for a new pet, they simply have to pick up the device and search for the type of animal they’re looking for and the device will locate the top 50 matches for their specifications in the area.

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