Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Oct 17-Interactive Technology Observation

For this weeks observation assignment, we were instructed to find some sort of electronic interactive device that people use in every day life. After thinking for a little while about what I use on a regular basis, I decided to observe the creation stations at the Burger Studio in Valhala, our schools convenience/fast food shop.

The Burger Studio was put into Valhala last summer during the renovation. Here's a picture of the "store front."

The individualized stations can be seen on the right. They allow students to order a custom burger choosing from all of the available toppings right from the screen. 
The first step is to touch the screen to start. Then you must choose what type of sandwich you want. Our particular branch offers a selection of different burgers and chicken sandwiches. After that you select if you want cheese and if so, what kind. Then the user is given an extensive list of toppings containing everything from Bacon to Caramelized Onions to Honey Mustard. After choosing all of their toppings, they can select if they want a side, and if so, what kind. The option to include a drink is also available.

 In my observation, I found that while the system is fairly intuitive and has clearly marked buttons to help the user find the option they're looking for, the touch screen can be a bit frustrating as it is not very sensitive. It also seemed to lead to some frustration that the options were in fairly small font and the visible buttons for the options were not quite lined up with the actual sensor. This makes it very easy to select a topping that you did not want and sometimes takes several presses to actually select the topping you'd like. The entire process usually takes somewhere between 30 seconds for users who know exactly what they want and are experienced with the machine and two and a half minutes for users who are not as familiar or are indecisive.

Once the burger is ordered, the machine prints a receipt detailing your order, listing all of the toppings and sides you purchased. It also prints a receipt in the kitchen which is what allows the cooks to make your food.  This system helps to eliminate error in the communication process. Often times at fast food chains, there can be confusion on what the costumer actually ordered and what the server heard. This machine takes out the middle man and allows the costumer to order directly from the person who will be preparing the food and both parties have it in print so it is easy to settle disputes. The machines also allow for quicker ordering and less employees as there does not have to be someone taking each order, they only have to prepare each order.

Overall, I think the product was a good addition to Valhala. It allows students to quickly order delicious food and gives them an opportunity to interface with new technologies.

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